

Monday, May 18, 2015


Yes, I know, I have done a blog post on this topic already...BUT, the reason why I am doing it again is because...IT IS SO IMPORTANT!
1 Thessalonians 5: 17 just has to words...and they are:
This doesn't mean to pray EVERY SINGLE MILLISECOND OF THE DAY; This means to keep it a "habit", where you go to God in prayer for EVERYTHING.
Not just the BAD THINGS-which most people tend to do (I am guilty of doing it sometimes)-we should pray to God in the GOOD things too. We are told to PRAISE GOD. That doesn't always mean singing and dancing to Him, it can also mean PRAISING HIM BY PRAYING. Here is an example:
"Thank you God for such a WONDERFUL day today, and thank you for dying for my sins. I love you, Lord. Amen."
God is not a genie, where you come to him (in the bad-or because you want something) and ask Him for it. Then you expect a GREAT, HAPPY (so we think) change. UH. NO. THAT IS NOT RIGHT.
God is not our genie. He is our God. He is the one who died for you. So that you can be with Him in PARADISE.
And when all God is asking for is for you to believe in Him...then I think we can give Him (the one who DIED for you) a little bit more appreciation...by just saying a nice, simple...


  1. LOVE this one, Alyssa. I know it's not long, but our drive to school is so nice when we pray together. How great is that, that we are one word away from connecting with the God of the Impossible and inviting Him into the situations we pray for?! :) God is sooo good to us!

  2. Amen! Nothing more can be said. Great job!

  3. Amen! Nothing more can be said. Great job!

  4. So true Alyssa! In good times and bad we must always give him thanks and praise. Great job!!
