

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


ARE YOU A REAL CHRISTIAN? Just going to church or doing nice deeds are NOT what make you a Christian! What do the first 6 letters sound like in the word Christian? CHRIST. To be a Christian we have to act like Jesus would act. Here is an example: You are trying to watch a movie and your little sister is bugging you and talking your ear off, and you are thinking: can I watch this movie in peace! Then you finally lose your temper and yell, ”SHUT UP, I AM TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE" We all know Jesus would not yell to someone at all right? He would not even be at that point where it would even bother Him! You see, going to church does help you  become  a stronger  Christian , but if you walk into church for your first time, and all you do there is complain, roll your eyes, and don’t even worship Jesus because you are only going there because someone invited you. That is not how a Christian should act! Don't be afraid to ask God for help because you need Christ before you can act like Christ! Now I want you to think: AM I A REAL CHRISTIAN?    Now it is up to you, Are you willing to follow Jesus with ALL your heart or are you only willing to do it halfheartedly?! https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvPIPiljEyL-rKz8C0cnKnCd0AT77-djx0TvcIN97yTaJ-8WAT

Monday, August 18, 2014


YES! YOU are loved by the king! The creator of the Universe! Have you ever had those days where you feel worthless or (for girls) not pretty! That is NOT true! You are loved! And if you don’t  believe me… it says in God’s Word!
For God so love the world, He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall NOT perish BUT have Eternal Life! John 3:16
God gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to DIE on the cross for YOU! Because He loves you so much! Even though things may not be going right like you didn’t make it on the baseball team or things are going bad for you at school or at home, God still loves you and He is with you always! All you have to do is pray to him, talk to him, he does listen to you! He listens because He loves you! He always will love you and will always be there for you!
"And be sure of this: I am with you always,even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20b

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

2 timothy 1:7


I love this verse! It is so comforting! It reminds me that if things are tough or not going well, or even when I am afraid… it:s not God’s fault, it is Satan’s fault… because God has NOT  given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, AND OF LOVE AND OF A SOUND MIND!  Also we all know that Satan is known for fear and all sin..right? But our God who is a loving God is not known for fear.. or any sin?! Right?! So don’t blame God! It was your choice for sinning and cheating and being afraid… its only natural.. we all sin! Remember to pray to God… He wants to hear from you…He will be glad to take away all of that fear… And He will someday… and you will live eternity with Him! If you believe! So what does this verse mean to you?! Do you believe?!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014



          I love my mom so much! I don’t know what I would do without her! She feeds me, loves me , and best of all is a wonderful Christian, she tells me all she knows about God! I want to be like my mom when I get older! My mom is also funny! She can come up with some funny jokes, she is so fun to be with!! She is caring, kind, and always knows what to say! My mom is pretty, inside and out! I love her so much! Thank you mom for everything you do for me! I say so much more but that would take forever!

Monday, August 4, 2014


          I am His. Doesn’t that make you feel special?! You are the sons and daughters of the Creator! Also knowing that God has a plan for you, makes it even better! Now I know you would want to obey your father and mother on Earth, but with some people that’s not the case when it comes to obeying their true Father in Heaven. Everyone has had those days where you think: Can anything go right? Haven’t  you? But I think we should be thanking God for keeping us alive than complain that “nothing” is going right! A few days ago, my family went out by the road and held up signs to the cars driving by. The signs said: God’s not dead (which is a great movie, by the way), Jesus loves you, You asked God for a sign, and God has a plan for you.  After doing that I felt pretty good! But we have to remember that just sharing the great news about God is not the thing that makes us a Christian! You have to believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and you have to repent of your sins, and  last of all believe that YOU ARE HIS!