

Friday, February 27, 2015

Boys, Boys, and God


Some are annoying. Some are funny. Some are smart. Some are gross. Some make us girls day dreammmmmmm (sorry, I'm back now):)
Now I have a question to ask you:
Out of these two boys who would you want for your future husband? (you are probably thinking That's a long time from now!) But you will see how in the future it is a good thing to know. Okay here we go:
Boy Number 1                

1. SUPER cute.                                             
2. Football star(muscles)                                                                  
3. mean (but not to you)                                                          
4. You have everything in common.             
(except the fact that he isn't a Christian)

Boy Number 2
1. cute (but not SUPER)
2. student council president (not very muscular either)
3. Kind to EVERYONE
4.  You don't have EVERYTHING in common but he is a GREAT Christian and is devoted to God.

Now, you can put your answer in the "comments" section below.
DON'T GET ME WRONG HERE!! I know that it is GREAT to have a boy that (you like/he likes you too) is SUPER CUTE!!but I am saying that having a not-so-cute-but-Christian-guy is better than having a super-cute-but-is-NOT-a-Christian-at-all-guy. I would probably have picked BOY NUMBER 1 too, but I know that it shouldn't matter what they look like (but, yes we do want them to be "cute" and/or "nice looking".)
   Now I want you to pray for a boy or all the boys that are in your class (whether you like them or not.) and I want you to pray that God will show them what HE wants for them and that they will become a (or if they already are, them that they will become closer to GOD) CHRISTIAN. Remember, That is the biggest part in a husband.
  So take a day/week/month/year (as long as you want) to start praying for a boy instead of day dreammmmm- daydreaming about him :)

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I am praying for you and your future husband/best friend :) May these be the years you both are growing in character and preparing yourselves for that "unknown someone" :)
