

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Be like Christ!





We want to show that we are Christians by how we treat others. Especially to people that don’t even know Jesus! When  we are rude or mean to people, are we showing are true Christian behavior? Not even that, are we showing how we really should act as Christians? I don’t know about you, but I am not drawn into people that are mean. I don’t think anyone really is. That is why we have to be like Christ. Be loving. Be kind. Be gentle. Most people would rather talk to a person like that than a person that is mean (or for us Christians, DOESN’T act like Christ). I know that my mom, well really everyone in my family (LOL) like to talk to people. They are all GREAT people and are GREAT to talk too (at least, I think they are).  They act like Christ and there are a lot of people that like to talk to them. At the store, salon, bank, ANYWHERE! So, I have GREAT role models as you can see. I am glad that those are the people that I look up too because what else is better than having role models that act like CHRIST?

So I want you to act like Christ. I don’t mean just go up to a total stranger and start talking to them about your life story. I am saying to act like Christ so that people are “drawn into” you and then you can share CHRIST with them.


Monday, June 15, 2015


Yayy, it's finally SUMMER BREAK! I know a lot of people are excited because they have big and fun plans right? For me this year, summer break is kind of sad because our school will no longer be a school anymore, but over all, I AM SUPER EXCITED that it is summer break!!
   I want to remind you though, even though it is summer break, don't stray from God. I know that in the summer, you have more free time on your hands and are up for anything coming your way, but don't stray from God. For example, let's say there is a HUGE party that you have always wanted to go to, but you never had time, and now that it is summer, you do. Then you go to the party and realize that people are doing drugs or something like that. DON'T DO IT. JUST BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS...DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD! Yes, even in the school year, you still have to be careful and OBVIOUSLY not stray from God, but now that it is summer, I am reminding you to not stray from him. I guess this "goes more" to people that go to a Christian school, or people graduating from a Christian school and go off to a PUBLIC SCHOOL. Don't get me wrong here, public schools are great too. Just it is "easier" to fall into the "wrong path".

As long as you keep God at the center of your summer, EVERYTHING WILL BE GREAT! Maybe not right now because you may feel restricted or the odd-ball, but later in life, you will see that it was worth it :) HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer resolutions

You may be wondering why the title is Summer resolutions. Yes, I did mean summer resolutions, NOT New year resolutions. I know how school is coming to an end everyone is so excited that we don't have school for a little while or even people at work that have summers off. I have a plan for everyone that is reading this, (yes, even if you have work) I want you to start thinking of ways you can "improve" or "un-improve" in something for the next school year or work year. (Again, if you don't have summers off, I still want you to reflect on this) Here is an example, lets say you haven't been very nice this school year to your classmates-over the summer you can think of ways to make it up to those people or to start being nice to them. Or if you haven't respected your boss at work, you can start respecting him more or take your job seriously (both of them actually).
 < but are we ready to change ourselves in places that need changing??
I know, I know, it is hard! But remember...
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL summer! I won't be able to post blogs as much in the summer, but I will try...
So remember, during the summer, meditate on yourself and if you need to change in a certain area. Maybe you don't. Or maybe you don't thing you do. If you aren't sure...then pray or read the bible. The bible will tell you how you should act as a Christian, the bible is your very own instruction guide, but it is your choice to follow the directions...carefully :)